Talk: Gordon Freeman
Talk: Gordon Freeman
Hidden Stonehenge: Ancient Temple in North America Reveals the Key to Ancient Wonders
April 16, 2013 – Festival Hall (1215 10th Ave SE)
12:00 pm, $5
Gordon Freeman (Edmonton)
Genius existed on the Prairies five thousand years ago. Indians, not aliens.
Science performed at the highest level is an art. Major new discoveries in science are initiated by gut feelings, just as are major new developments in the creative arts. An example in science is Edwin Schrödinger’s application of the wave equation to quantum mechanics. The behaviour of subatomic particles is more appropriately visualized as waves, rather than as tiny particles in planet-like orbits. An example in art is Alex Janvier’s development of his graceful style full of motion and energy, as in Fly, Fly, Fly.
In southern Alberta there is an extensive Temple to the Sun, Moon & Morningstar. Sort of a spider’s web pattern of stone groupings that extend over an area of 30 square kilometers (12 square miles). It contains a 5200-year-old calendar that is slightly more accurate than the Gregorian one we use. The ancient calendar is marked by alignments of stones, and of V-sights made by intersecting hillsides or rocks, which accurately point to the horizon positions of Sun rises and sets on the Summer and Winter Solstices, and also when the day and night are each 12.0 hours long (the Equalday/night). Photographs will be shown.
The Gregorian Equinoxes (20-21 March and 22-23 September) are not true Equalnights, although Equinox is anglo-latin for Equalnight. The true Equalday/nights are 17-18 March and 25-26 September. I’ll tell you why Pope Gregory XIII fiddled the dates in 1582.
The ancient calendar artistically marks each separate year in the leap year cycle. The precision is amazing. Stonehenge in England contains the same, accurate calendar as the one in Alberta. The Stonehenge calendar is far more accurate and complete than any previously speculated about. It was built about 800 years after the Temple calendar in Alberta.