Pagan Meditation Tour: The Witch Hunt… For Trees
Pres. w/: BassBus, Caffe Beano
Pagan Meditation Tour: The Witch Hunt… For Trees
April 20, 2013 – Festival Hall (1215 10th Ave SE)
10:30 am, $10
Pellar Arts (Alan & Jessica Osborne)
Join us while we explore the strength and power that trees can generate in creative and magical workings. While you journey to, speak, and meditate with several different types of trees, you will learn about the energetic and vibrational matrix that exists between us, as well as how to tap into, harness and channel those energies for future use.
Pellar Arts: “Alan Osborne is a British Celtic artist from the South West of England, who lives in Calgary with his wife Jessica Badyk, a Herbalist and Holistic Healer. Together, they run ‘Beyond the Book of Shadows,’ a group which aims to educate and expose its members to the many diverse methods and theologies that encompass ‘The Craft,’ as well as teach and mentor a small Coven of Modern Cunning Folk, who practice the old traditional ways of British Celtic Magick. Having many years of experience in various forms of occult studies, including Gardenian, Alexandrian, Wiccan, Egyptian Mysteries, Golden Dawn and Enochian Magick, Jessica and Alan are also known as Traditional Cornish Pellars.”