2009 Calgary International Spoken Word Festival

It’s the 6th year of the festival, & already
it seems to be a year filled with ancient knowledge~

When the dust of antiquity lives in the voice,
rooted in the oral tradition
then, stories become more than a combination of words
they transform into the resonant sounds of our lives, opening~

This year we present Calgary with a festival
of artists, we feel are illuminated
with a strong cultural vibration

And this year, I can say
I feel truly blessed to be in the presence of the artists
who are coming to Calgary
to share their work & lives with us~

I would like to thank the festival team,
the amazing & mighty volunteers,
& everyone in the community
who bring their ideas, time
& support together, to make poetry
come alive in this big sky city~

One Love and Love for All,
OX Sheri-D

