Penn Kemp

Penn Kemp

Penn Kemp has participated in Canadian cultural life for 52 years, writing, editing, and publishing poetry, prose and plays as well as editing anthologies. She has published 30 books of poetry, prose and drama and 10 CDs of her Sound Operas along with several DVDs. The League of Poets celebrated Penn as their 40th Life Member and “a foremother of Canadian poetry”, with the Sheri-D Wilson Golden Beret Award for Spoken Word Artist (2015). She was London’s inaugural Poet Laureate (2010-13) and Western University’s Writer-in-Residence (2009-10). Her project was the DVD, Luminous Entrance: A Sound Opera for Climate Change Action.  She is featured in Borderblur Poetics: Intermedia and Avant-Gardism in Canada, 1963-1988 (2023). Penn’s new collection, INCREMENTALLY, is up as e-book and album on

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History Prompt

How can you use an image from your past as a prompt to conjure a guide, as inspiration for new poems? How can you work with a poetic community, real or imaginal?

Craft & Writing

Craft & Writing Prompt

What personal mythology or memory can you unleash that will inspire and drive you into poetry? How can you use the play of sound to guide your next poems?


Performance Prompt

How can you overcome a fear/avoidance of performing publicly? Try conjuring the image of your favourite performer or one you would like to become, to work with you as your inner performer.
